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The UT-105 is a digital car meter used to measure: voltage, current, resistance, equipped with additional functions useful in car diagnostics;Vybrané vlastnosti: 12V battery voltage test, Measurement of the closing angle of the DWELL circuit breaker, RPM x 10 rotational speed measurement, The following items can be checked: : the ignition coil, high voltage wires, Hall sensor, magnetoresistive sensor, Lambda probe, temperature sensor, position sensor, MAP pressure sensor, MAF air flow sensor ;
32,55 €

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The is a digital car meter used to measure: voltage, current, resistance, equipped with additional functions useful in car diagnostics.

Meranie napätia DC:200 mV ± (0.5% + 2) @ 0.1 mV ,
2 V ± (0.5% + 2) @ 1 mV ,
20 V ± (0.5% + 2) @ 10 mV ,
200 V ± (0.5% + 2) @ 100 mV ,
1000 V ± (0.8% + 2) @ 1 V
Meranie napätia AC:2 V ± (0.8% + 5) @ 1 mV ,
20 V ± (0.8% + 5) @ 10 mV ,
200 V ± (0.8% + 5) @ 0.1 V ,
750 V ± (1% + 5) @ 1 V
Meranie prúdu DC:200 mA ± (0.8% + 5) @ 0.1 mA ,
10 A ± (1.2% + 5) @ 10 mA
Meranie AC prúdu:
Meranie odporu:200 Ω ± (0.8% + 5) (nie je súčasťou balenia) @ 0.1 Ω ,
2 kΩ ± (0.8% + 5) @ 1 Ω ,
20 kΩ ± (0.8% + 5) @ 10 Ω ,
200 kΩ ± (0.8% + 5) @ 100 Ω ,
2 MΩ ± (0.8% + 5) @ 1 kΩ ,
20 MΩ ± (1.5% + 5) @ 10 kΩ
Meranie kapacity:
Meranie indukcie:
Meranie frekvencie:
Meranie impulzovej šírkovej modulácie:
Meranie teploty:
Automatická zmena meracích rozsahov:
Test diódy:
Signalizácia spojitosti obvodu:
Kontrola logických stavov TTL:
Vybrané vlastnosti:12V battery voltage test, Measurement of the closing angle of the DWELL circuit breaker : 4Cyl, 6Cyl, 8Cyl, RPM x 10 rotational speed measurement : 4Cyl, 6Cyl, 8Cyl, The following items can be checked: : the ignition coil, high voltage wires, Hall sensor, magnetoresistive sensor, Lambda probe, temperature sensor, position sensor, MAP pressure sensor, MAF air flow sensor, Hold – zastavenie ukazovateľa merača, Veľký, čitateľný LCD displej, Estetická a odolná konštrukcia, Poplach vybitej batérie
Napájanie:Batéria 9V, typ 6LR61 - súčasťou balenia
Hmotnosť:0.35 kg
Rozmery:179 x 87 x 39 mm
Výrobca / Značka:UNI-T
Záruka:2 roky

Špecifické referencie

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